Monday 31 May 2010

Tortillas with shrimps!

After a few days without me 'signing in', here I am again :D with a new recipe.

This time there are no photos unfortunately, because we were both way too hungry to wait, so you'll have to try it for yourselves to see what it looks like. :D

I got some shrimps(about 225g), they can be either frozen or fresh. You'll also need some tortillas (I used Spar 8-pack, wheat; but you can use corn tortillas as well), mustard, tomatoes, pepper (I used half of a medium sized green one), courgette (half), and sour cream.

First turn on the oven to 150°C for the tortillas. Take 5 and spread butter or margarine on each of them. Put them on a baking tray (cover with baking paper) and cover them with aluminum foil so they don't lose the moist. When the oven is ready, put them in for 15 minutes. Take them out, don't leave them to cool off in the oven.

While softening tortillas in the oven, chop all vegetables into small cubes. Heat some oil in the pan and put the veggies in. Add some salt and spread Indian spice mix from Kotany (I mentioned one of them in one of the previous posts)generously over the colourful mix. After about 3-5 minutes (check courgettes, they will take the longest, if they are nicely tender, they're done) add the shrimps and stir well.
Leave for about 3 minutes. Add a two big spoonfuls of sour cream and one spoonful of mustard - regarding mustard: it gives this special taste, which some of you may not like if you are not very keen on mustard anyway. You can replace it with some lemon juice to give the dish that souery feel. Mix well and turn off the stove. if the mixture is a bit watery don't worry, it's only the juices from the vegetables, and if you just leave it, tortillas will still be nicely soft and moist.

Prepare two plates - one for the tortillas before and one for the tortillas after :)(after you fill them in). Turn the oven on to 200°C.

Now you fill each tortilla with 3-4 spoons of the mixture and make a wrap. I placed them in a small ceramic baking tray (like cannelloni) and covered with cheese. You can spread some beaten egg so they get a nicer glow. You can also place each tortilla wrap separately on to a larger baking tray. Place them in the oven and bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown on top.

Enjoy ;)

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