Sunday 27 June 2010

Strawberry marmalade surprise

After a long trip, when you get home too late for a very complicated meal, but still want something eatable, warm and light, preferably sweet, yet easy and fast to make... what to do? Well described happened to me past Monday and since my better half (or he may think that :P) was so tired and hungry (ha almost fell asleep while eating) I just had to do something. I had flour, eggs, milk and strawberry marmalade from his mom's. Ok! Let's go! (Recipe is here.)

Make 'šmorn' or schmorn or something you do when you have the mixture for pancakes but don't want pancakes. Make a silky mixture from milk, flour and 1 or 2 eggs; some also add some mineral water (I don't). Pour some oil into the pan, wait a bit (so it heats up) and then pour the mixture in. Now wait till it's a bit baked and when it starts turning golden, start to dissect this large, thick pancake. It must be torn into small (cm x cm) pieces, stir all the time.

While doing this, put three spoonfuls of strawberry marmalade into a smaller pot. Now add any seasonal berries you may have. You can use strawberries, raspberries, black currant, blackberries or any other similar a bit sour fruits. I used fresh blueberries and red currants, about two spoonfuls of each. Let it heat up and then lower the temperature, just to keep it warm.

Place the torn pancake mixture on to the plates and spread the marmalade/fresh fruit mixture over. I believe the combination is due to the sweetness of the marmalade sweet enough, so I don’t recommend adding any sugar, but if you do have a bit of a sweet tooth... it’s your choice! :)

Serve with a glass of a homemade redcurrant or blackcurrant juice.

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